A risk-free environment where players can go and compete. Placing players, not of the same specific age or skill, will challenge them and allow them to learn from one another.
Pick-up will be played as various small-sided games. (5v5,6v6, or even 7v7 depending on numbers) The goal of small-sided is to control the pace and tempo of the game. Players are placed in tight positions and challenged to create with minimal space. Tekkers coaches will be present to help ensure pickup games run smoothly.
All games will be played without stoppages for players to learn as the game goes on. There will be limited spots available for each age bracket to maintain playing time.
WHEN: June 7th - August 9th (10 Dates)
TIME: 1:45 PM -3:00 PM
AGES: Middle School
PRICE: $99
WHEN: June 7th - August 9th (10 Dates)
TIME: 12:30 - 1:45 PM
AGES: High School
PRICE: $99