Winter pickup Sessions
A risk-free environment where players can go and compete. Placing players, not of the same specific age or skill, will challenge them and allow them to learn from one another.
Pick-up will be played as various small-sided games. (5v5,6v6, or even 7v7 depending on numbers) The goal of small-sided is to control the pace and tempo of the game.
Dates: December 6th - March 7th (No Pickup on December 27th)
Times: 2015’s - 2012’s 8:00 PM - 9:15 PM, 2012’s - Older 9:00 PM - 10:15 PM
Ages: Younger 2015’s - 2012’s, Older 2012’s - Older
Location: Sportsplex West (890 SE Olson Drive, Waukee, IA)